Wednesday, September 10, 2008 | 1:53 PM
Today we're pleased to launch Google Mobile App for BlackBerry. It's a free download and it looks like this:

To download the App, visit on your BlackBerry device.
Once it's installed you'll have faster search and easy access to Maps, Gmail, News, and more from Google.
So what exactly will you get?
A final tip - you can make it even easier to get all of this whenever you need it... just assign Google Mobile App to a convenience key using these instructions.
Once it's installed you'll have faster search and easy access to Maps, Gmail, News, and more from Google.
So what exactly will you get?
- Fast Google search - enter queries without waiting for a browser to load
- Search history - easily access and amend your previous queries
- Google Suggest - complete queries with less typing
- Easy access to Google products for your phone - click once to download and install our applications for BlackBerry, and get immediate access to our web-based services
- Google Apps support - get direct links to your Google Apps Calendar and Documents/Spreadsheets (select Menu, Options, Use Google Apps Domain: yes, and then enter your domain name)
- Update alerts - learn about new versions of downloadable Google mobile applications and upgrade with just one click (Google Mobile App replaces Google Updater for BlackBerry)
A final tip - you can make it even easier to get all of this whenever you need it... just assign Google Mobile App to a convenience key using these instructions.
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