viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Twitter for BlackBerry Smartphones v2.1 (Beta): Multi-Account Support

You may recall the little teaser in the Twitter® for BlackBerry® smartphones v2.0 blog post about multi-account support coming in a future release. Well, I’ve got some great news for you! The Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones v2.1 beta includes multi-account support and is available for download today within BlackBerry® Beta Zone.
Let’s take a closer look at what’s new in this release.
Additional Profile Functions
You’ll notice that just to the right of My Profile photo and name, there are two new icons: Edit Profile and Switch Accounts. While you could always edit your profile via the Menu, now you can use the Edit Profile icon right from the Profile screen to change your picture or update your personal information. The Edit Profile screen has also received a new facelift.
Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones
New Edit Profile and Switch Account icons
Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones

Multi-Account Support
The new Multi-Account Support feature is designed to let you use up to five accounts on Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones. When logged into multiple accounts, the current user name will appear in the upper-left corner of the header bar and the user picture will appear in the My Profile icon. You can quickly switch between accounts by using the Switch Account function, accessible from My Profile or via the Menu. Have an interesting Tweet in one account that you’d like to share from another account? No problem, you can cross-post Tweets and Retweets from one account to another without switching the current account view. You can also stay notified of Mentions and Messages with near real-time notifications for each of your Twitter accounts.
Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones
Account Switch via My Profile
Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones
Account Switch on Retweet
This update is currently available in BlackBerry Beta Zone. To download the latest beta version, you need to register to become a BlackBerry Beta Zone member. Not sure how to get started? Check out Ty’s blog post on how to join a BlackBerry Beta Zone program. Please note that you must reside in one of the BlackBerry Beta Zone supported countries in order to participate in the latest beta release.
Download it today and be sure to leave a comment to tell us what you think.

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