martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Descargar Sushi Chop Para Blackberry FUll Premium .axl

Sushi Chop

In SUSHICHOP for BlackBerry® PlayBook™, your finger is the razor-sharp knife, as you swipe your way to sushi chopping glory! Cut with precision and skill to fill each tray before the timer runs out. Fill a tray chopping the fewest fish necessary to earn a Perfect Chop bonus, but beware the stinky green fish! TWO UNIQUE, ENTHRALLING GAME MODES! Earn as much as you can with 3 lives in Sushi Chop mode, then tackle Sushi Master mode, where you are tasked with slicing only the fish that match the order cards! Descargar Archivo Tecnología Aqui Para Blackberry

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